Wednesday, May 14, 2014

re - collecton

Pretty Girl
1. So I’m walking across campus and I come across someone who’s dressed like they came straight out of Vogue magazine. Boots that match her leather jacket and scarf that match her pants. Her make-up and hair flawless. Bomb looking girl; I just want to give her a thumbs up for taking the time to look extra-beautiful today.

Ethereal Moment
2. I visited a place this weekend where time did not exist. There was no past, no future, no regrets, no stress. It was raining and my best friends and I were chillin in the car. R&B was playing in the background and for a moment everything disappeared. There was absolute silence except the individual drops of rain hitting the roof to the beat of the music. Then I heard my friend gently hum-sing to the tune and I went somewhere ethereal. It was absolute beauty, a true bliss. I was in the company of my best friends, raindrops, R&B, and her voice. I was immersed in the essence of the moment. I felt the raindrops slide down my skin and her voice flowing through the air. I was suspended in serenity till the song ended; life came back and it was over. 

Mental Conversation
3. I’m sitting outside on a warm summer afternoon and I just finished a paragraph in my book. I look up across the patio and I see a girl casually sitting with her legs crossed and reading something on her phone. Her teal dress accompanied the clear sky and her toffee stranded hair scattered across her ears. She reached into her shopping bag on the chair next to her and grabbed a piece of red vine. She casually chewed on the red stick of liquorish, taking her time to absorb whatever she just read. There was a slight chill with the breeze and she adjusted her beige cardigan that matched her wedge heel.

Scores of people walk by and some go into Starbucks and some are waiting for the light to change. The air out on the patio is filled with conversation and laughter and the girl takes another red vine. She nonchalantly looks around; her eyes and ears stopping at each table to inspect its guests. As her senses makes its rounds, her eyes meet mine and we gaze into each others eyes.

She’s pretty.

With our gaze locked we mentally talked about the people around us. Or I hoped that was the exchange that took place. Seconds felt like minutes and before it got awkward, I ended our conversation. When I looked up again, the pretty girl wearing the sky was gone, never to be seen again except in my fading memory.

Coffee Shops
4. I really enjoy coffee shops. No, I love coffee shops. It’s a transformation machine. I walk in groggy and in a horrible mood, but once I step inside, the sweet aroma of coffee and that jazzy music starts to lift my spirits. I order and sit down staring off into the artwork on the wall. Empty-minded, I get lost and pretend I’m part of the art. Like, I somehow, by staring blankly, I transcend myself into the painting. I disappear until the barista comes over and places a hot, steaming mocha latte in front of me. “Enjoy!” she says. 

The first sip is always heavenly. It’s familiar and new at the same time. It livens my palate and lights a spark. The more I sip the bigger the fire becomes until my insides are warm and my mind buzzing. I can feel the caffeine coursing through my veins.The music changes to something more upbeat and my foot starts to tap to the music.

I’m Ready. Ready to start the day and get things done. The world becomes brighter and my mind clears like a foggy morning to a sunny afternoon. I am transformed. Time to get to work. 

Salted Sea Breeze
5. His foot slid into the sun-baked beach, wiggling his toes to root them deep into the sand. The warm energy from the earth flowed from his toes to the edges of his fingers and it kindled his soul.

He ran those fingers through his hair making sure each strand experienced the salted sea breeze.
He took a deep breath filling every corner of his body with the crisp ocean air and exhaled all his negative energy into the passing wind.

He saw the sun poke out of the ocean fog and felt the individual rays meet the energy from his soul. He felt immortal and as long as he was anchored, his spirit flowed free. 


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