Friday, February 28, 2014

Life Lessons

"A good life plan is to have adventure, make a buck, kiss girls as often and deeply as possible, love life, dance, protect the weak, learn every day, keep a journal, laugh, sing, create, listen to old people, try and make peace, forgive, be generous with what you have, spend time enjoying what you encounter. decide on a mission at some point... an expedition or a goal and move a little bit in that direction every day and before!
Taxes, bills, death, sickness, loss, injury, misfortune happen. Accept it.
Love, fun, beauty, goodness, kindness, growth, happiness, camaraderie.... these things happen too. Pay more attention to these.
Take care of the most important old person in your life when you are young.. That would be YOU when you are old. Save some, be healthy, build a loving community around yourself. You are responsible for your happiness and security as an old person. Get cracking!
Did i mention the girl kissing part? all the magic in the world comes from love, I think. Don't lose sight of the magic."

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